United States Court of Appeals for the district of columbia circuit No. 00-7279 September Term, 2001 Filed On: March 19, 2002 [665714] Elena Sturdza, Appellant v. United Arab Emirates, et al., Appellees Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of Columbia (No. 98cv02051) Before: Henderson and Tatel, Circuit Judges, and Silberman, Senior Circuit Judge. ORDER It is ORDERED, by the Court on its own motion, that the following revisions shall be made to the opinion decided March 5, 2002, in this case: At page 2 of the slip opinion, delete the words "and remand for trial of the copyright infringement claim" from the sentence beginning "Although differences between the two embassy designs . . ." (lines 22 28 of the paragraph). At page 16 of the slip opinion, delete the words "and remand for trial" from the last sentence of the first full paragraph. At page 30 of the slip opinion, replace the current section VII with the following: The motion to dismiss this appeal is denied. The grant of summary judgment for Demetriou and the UAE on Sturdza's copyright claim is reversed. The Rule 12(b)(6) dismissal of Counts Five, Six, and Seven (the tort claims) as to Demetriou is also reversed. The Rule 12(b)(6) dismissal of Sturdza's section 1985 claim is affirmed. The question whether D.C. law bars Sturdza's contract and quantum meruit claims is certified to the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, and all further proceedings in this matter shall be held in abeyance pending further order of this court. FOR THE COURT: Mark J. Langer, Clerk BY: Deputy Clerk