United States Court of Appeals for the district of columbia circuit No. 98-3077 September Term, 1997 98ms00055 PUBLIC ORDER 98ms00177 98ms00228 In re: Sealed Case _____________________________________ Consolidated with 98-3078, 98-3079, 98-3081 Before: Wald, Silberman, and Henderson, Circuit Judges O R D E R The Court has reviewed the memoranda of the parties stating which portions of the Opinion of the Court of Appeals, which portions of the briefs filed with the Court of Appeals, and which portions of the orders and opinion of the District Court may be unsealed. The Court has prepared a master copy of each brief reflecting both parties' proposed redactions and certain redactions made on the Court's own motion. It is, on the Court's own motion, ORDERED that each party make redactions, according to the master copy prepared by the Court, from each brief respectively filed by that party originally in this Court, that all such redactions shall be made by outright deletion of the redacted material from the document, rather than by obscuring the redacted material with ink or similar substance, that all such redactions be indicated by bold brackets, and that five copies of the parties' final redacted briefs shall be hand-filed no later than 10:00 a.m., Friday, August 7, 1998. It is FURTHER ORDERED that the final redacted briefs, the Opinion of the Court of Appeals, and the District Court's orders referred to therein will be unsealed at 3:00 p.m. on Friday, August 7, 1998. It is United States Court of Appeals for the district of columbia circuit No. 98-3077 September Term, 1997 98ms00055 PUBLIC ORDER 98ms00177 98ms00228 FURTHER ORDERED that the motion of Dow Jones & Company, Inc., et al., is dismissed as moot because no transcript of the oral argument exists and because the parties' briefs and the Opinion of the Court will be unsealed on Friday, August 7, 1998. Per Curiam For the Court: Mark J. Langer, Clerk Filed on: August 6, 1998